
Google has recently published a study (link) that says that teams are most efficient when the members feel psychologically safe. Why don’t you help the teams that you work with, also online. Building self-awareness or self-worth are great tools to improve the quality of team effectiveness. Why not give the group, any group, a set of skills to make the process far more pleasurable and flexible. Let them feel more…
and therefore credible and amiable for each other. And for ourselves too.
What about public speaking whatever shape or size it takes. Do you pitch to present your start-up? Or any other project? The uniqueness is to combine the preparation of language tools and work on your self-worth at the same time. You see, others will see as much of you as you see of yourself.
My favourite workshops are:

  • Public Speaking – in English, or not…
  • Pitching in English – always to the point
  • Online Multinational Communication – language and cultural differences in action
  • Self-awareness as the key to trustworthy communication – show up, first to yourself

But be sure that all of these can be accustomed to your environment, business, a team or a group.